As NAWRA members are aware, we have been working hard with other organisations to try and resolve the issue of UC50s not being reliably issued following the submission of fitnotes leading to claimants not being put through the WCA and therefore being left for months, or sometimes years, without the LCWRA element being added to their claim. Following our letter to the Minister last year, we had a meeting with officials in January 2023. At this we were told that …

Failure by DWP to initiate WCA and issue UC50 – an update Read more »

NAWRA members met in Oxford last week. Slides and notes from the conference are available in the members area. All members are welcome to attend our conferences for free. If you would like to offer to host a conference, give a presentation or facilitate a workshop at a future conference then please get in touch.

              NAWRA members were saddened to hear of the deaths of Andy Campbell and Rob Jenkins recently. Andy Campbell joined Greenwich Welfare Rights Service over 10 years ago. Having originally trained as a social worker, his passion for maximising clients’ incomes weaved through his social work and he then turned his hand to direct welfare rights work, initially at Kent County Council before coming to Greenwich. He had a finely tuned sense of justice …

Rob Jenkins and Andy Campbell Read more »

Our next conference will take place on Friday 10 March 2023 in person at Northway Community Centre, Dora Carr Close, Oxford OX3 9RU. Conferences are open to members only.  Not a member?  Find out more about joining. There’s no need to book a place. Read the agenda

    Greater Manchester Law Centre (GMLC) and NAWRA are investigating delays to Pension Credit applications. Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey we sent out last month asking for information on your recent experiences with the Pension Credit service. The findings of the survey along with recommendations are available in the full report and this summary. The survey results show that Pension Credit claimants are often waiting months for claims to be paid which is causing financial hardship. …

Investigating Pension Credit delays Read more »