Referrals to CPAG Child Poverty Action Group is always looking to take on a limited number of test cases each year. They are currently particularly keen to focus on the following issues –   benefit delays   local welfare provision   inappropriate work-related activity   judicial review in the upper tribunal More information Challenging inappropriate work-related activity On this point, Tom Royston of Garden Court North Chambers has drawn up a paper on the sort of cases that would be …

Test case referrals Read more »

At our Glasgow conference today we heard an impassioned appeal from Dr David Webster, from the University of Glasgow, for the current sanctions regime to be abolished. Some links to Dr Webster’s research, his presentation at NAWRA and some further resources that may be of use to advisers are available in the members’ area.

NAWRA has responded to the call for evidence in the first independent review of PIP assessment.  Read our response. Thanks very much to all members who got in touch to tell us about their experience of advising PIP claimants.  We received over 100 responses, all of which helped inform our submission.  The evidence we have submitted is particularly strong as it comes from so many advisers from across the UK working in a wide variety of advice services. Thanks are …

NAWRA’s submission to the PIP review Read more »

Here’s some advance notice of our next NAWRA meeting, kindly hosted by Glasgow City Council’s Welfare Rights and Money Advice Service. Venue: Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP Date: Friday 12th September 2014 Time: 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am) Our guest speaker will be Dr David Webster of Glasgow University.  David is currently involved in research which introduces a historical perspective into analysis of the current JSA/ESA sanctions regime. There will also be participatory workshops on topical issues including …

Meeting in Glasgow in September Read more »

A key element of NAWRAs objectives is to seek to influence government proposals and existing legislation by utilising the expertise of our members.  So that we can feed in to the first review of Personal Independence Payment assessment we need your data on how well this has been working (or not working). To make it easier to get your feedback, we drafted a brief surview.  The review closes on 5 September so we need your responses as soon as possible.  …

Your experiences of advising PIP claimants Read more »