NAWRA in Coventry

Our next conference will be held on Friday 1st December 2017 at The Council House, Earl Street, Coventry CV1 5RR. The day will include the usual heady mix of speakers, workshops and lively discussion. Remember that it’s free for members to attend!  So if your organisation is a NAWRA member, you can come along at no additional charge! Sessions include: Read more…

Qualitative study on the impacts of welfare reform on social housing tenants

Social Insecurity? Welfare rights and welfare reform by Sarah Batty is a summary of a qualitative study into the impact on social tenants of welfare reforms carried out as part of an MA in Social Policy at the University of York (October 2017)

Universal Credit: A flawed system

NAWRA member, Richard Machin from Staffordshire University, has written an excellent piece for online journal ‘The Conversation’ entitled “A welfare adviser’s view on Universal Credit: a flawed system that emphasises process over people.” Richard highlights myriad problems with the rollout of Universal Credit and highlights NAWRAs position on implict consent.  Richard concludes his article by saying: Benefit advisers have long called Read more…

Challenge Poverty Week

NAWRA is proud to support Challenge Poverty Week in Scotland. The main aims of the week, which runs from 15-21 October 2017, are to: Highlight the reality of poverty and challenge the stereotypes that about exist about it; Demonstrate what is being done across Scotland to address poverty Increase public support for more action to solve poverty You can find Read more…