NAWRA surveyed its members and used the results to inform our submission to the consultation by the Information Commissioners Office on consent. Thanks to Eri Mountbatten (Aberystwyth University Students’ Union and NAWRA rep for Wales) for collating all the responses and drafting the submission.

We have written to Damian Green MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to raise concerns about what we see as the DWPs failure to follow correct legal procedures on conversion of incapacity benefit claimants to employment and support allowance.  The full text of our letter is reproduced below. “Our members have identified many former Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance claimants who have been migrated to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and only been awarded contributory ESA as the Department …

IB and ESA conversion – letter to Damian Green, MP Read more »

NAWRA has sent a formal response to the Work and Pensions Committee Universal credit update inquiry.  Thank you to all the members who responded to our request for information – your help has been invaluable, as always. NAWRA has serious concerns about Universal Credit – in particular as the full service rolls out.  We have called for a range of changes to be implemented if the full rollout is to have a chance of success.  These include: Allowing alternative payment arrangements …

Universal Credit inquiry Read more »

NAWRA issued the following press release on Friday 3rd March 2017: The government has announced shock plans to restrict entitlement to the disability benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). The National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers (NAWRA) strongly refutes the claims made by government that two recent court decisions (1) in any way ‘extend’ or ‘broaden’ the meaning of the PIP regulations as claimed by government. In fact the judges simply seek to confirm the original policy intent of the DWP …

NAWRA condemns backdoor cuts to PIP Read more »