NAWRA conference 9 and 10 September 2021

Glasgow City Council Welfare Rights & Money Advice will be the host of our next NAWRA conference. The conference will take place on Zoom over two half days: Thursday 9 September 2021 – 1.00pm-4.30pm Friday 10 September 2021 – 9.30am-1.15pm We will be hearing from a variety of welfare rights practitioners and academics with sessions on devolved Scottish benefits, eating disorders, Read more…

NAWRA online conference 10-11 June

Royal Borough of Greenwich Welfare Rights Service will be the host of our next NAWRA conference. The conference will take place on Zoom over two half days: Thursday 10 June 2021 – 1.00pm-4.30pm Friday 11 June 2021 – 9.30am-1.00pm We will be hearing from a variety of welfare rights practitioners and academics with sessions on social prescribing, DWP safeguarding, the Read more…

NAWRA membership criteria

In April 2021, NAWRA clarified its membership policy. Membership of NAWRA is only available to organisations with policies, procedures and mechanisms in place that ensure that their clients can rely on receiving a quality assured service. Please note that we are unable to offer membership to ‘independent’ welfare rights advisers or similar, including those offering ‘no win, no fee’ services. Read more…