NAWRA has submitted its response to the Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry into Health assessments for benefits. A big thank you to all those who took the time to respond to our survey and to Central England Law Centre and Warwick Law School who undertook the research into delays issuing UC50s. We submitted their research as part of our response. Also, many thanks to Daphne Hall for collating the survey responses and drafting the submission.

NAWRA has submitted a response to the Health and Disability Green Paper consultation. We have asked the government to focus on needs, not affordability and to provide support, not sanctions for disabled people. We have asked them to listen to and believe claimants and provide choices. We have also emphasised the importance of funding good quality advice and advocacy. We have suggested that the DWP would do well to look at Social Security Scotland and its values of ‘dignity, fairness …

NAWRA’s response to the Health and Disability Green Paper consultation Read more »

Glasgow City Council Welfare Rights & Money Advice will be the host of our next NAWRA conference. The conference will take place on Zoom over two half days: Thursday 9 September 2021 – 1.00pm-4.30pm Friday 10 September 2021 – 9.30am-1.15pm We will be hearing from a variety of welfare rights practitioners and academics with sessions on devolved Scottish benefits, eating disorders, kinship care, tribunal reform and issues around the UC50. It’s also your opportunity to learn about the long-awaited Health and …

NAWRA conference 9 and 10 September 2021 Read more »