NAWRA has written, alongside Housing Systems and LITRG, to Neil Couling, Peter Schofield and others to raise our concerns about the lack of transparency around the calculation of transitional protection when claimants migrate to universal credit. Read our letter

NAWRA has submitted a response to the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry into the DWP’s progress in implementing universal credit. We raised concerns in a number of areas including – while around a quarter of tax credit claimants are failing to migrate despite losing on average £300 per month, DWP do not have an understanding of why this is happening or plans to tackle it. the rapid pace planned for migration of DWP legacy benefit claimants with inadequate support for those …

NAWRA’s response to Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into DWP’s progress in implementing UC Read more »

Update 23 Nov 2022 We have re-sent our letter to Guy Opperman, the newly appointed Minister of State at the Department for Work and Pensions. – – – 28 Sep 2022 As highlighted in previous conferences, NAWRA has been working with the Strategic Public Law Centre and others to try and resolve the problem of the DWP’s failure to reliably initiate the WCA and issue the UC50, resulting in disabled claimants missing out on the LCWRA element – worth more …

Failure by DWP to initiate WCA and issue UC50 – our letter to the minister Read more »

NAWRA has received a letter from David Rutley, Minister for Welfare Delivery responding to our concerns about the Help to Claim service – in particular, the lack of face-to-face support in the service and the general lack of support for people needing advice given the ramping up of ‘Voluntary move to UC’. The Minister says – ‘I thought it may be helpful to make clear Help to Claim is designed to be accessed after someone has decided to apply for …

Help to Claim service – reply from minister Read more »

The government has conceded to an Early Day Motion, tabled by Mark Tami MP and signed by 73 others, calling for Universal Credit to be payable up to the day before State Pension is paid. In response to the news, NAWRA released the following statement: This is a great achievement by Mark Tami and will make a huge difference to all the pensioners who are currently being left with a big gap in income.   NAWRA is delighted to see …

State Pension Age and Universal Credit Read more »