In light of recent events in the United States, and the worldwide response led by the Black Lives Matter movement, NAWRA wishes to affirm our hatred of racism and our commitment to ensuring that NAWRA is a fully inclusive organisation. As a membership-led body, we are strongly committed to ensuring we represent all of our members.  We strongly value the diversity of our membership and we make a commitment not to tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination. However, we …

Black Lives Matter Read more »

The government has conceded to an Early Day Motion, tabled by Mark Tami MP and signed by 73 others, calling for Universal Credit to be payable up to the day before State Pension is paid. In response to the news, NAWRA released the following statement: This is a great achievement by Mark Tami and will make a huge difference to all the pensioners who are currently being left with a big gap in income.   NAWRA is delighted to see …

State Pension Age and Universal Credit Read more »

NAWRA members have reported via the rightsnet discussion forum that clients have been contacted by a loan company offering a ‘government grant’. The loan company then takes information sufficient to verify ID and submit a universal credit claim without the client’s knowledge, arranges an advance and then keeps a substantial amount of it for themselves. The first the client knows is their legacy benefits have stopped, and they find they are now a universal credit claimant with a large advance …

Fraudulent universal credit claims being made to obtain advance payments Read more »

Excellent article in ‘The Guardian’ on 2nd January 2018, highlighting injustice in the social security system, delays and obstructions in the appeals system and the impact on individuals. As welfare rights advisers, these are all issues we are all too familiar with and the article will hopefully highlight these to a wider audience.  NAWRA also gets a mention, in the context of ‘advice deserts’ and the need for comprehensive welfare rights advice for communities. You can read the article online. …

Injustice and the need for advice Read more »

We have written to Damian Green MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to raise concerns about what we see as the DWPs failure to follow correct legal procedures on conversion of incapacity benefit claimants to employment and support allowance.  The full text of our letter is reproduced below. “Our members have identified many former Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance claimants who have been migrated to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and only been awarded contributory ESA as the Department …

IB and ESA conversion – letter to Damian Green, MP Read more »