Thursday 30th July 2020 from 10 am to 12 noon (via Zoom). What have you learnt from the ‘lockdown’ about different ways of working? What has been positive, what has been less successful, and what have you done to help overcome problems and barriers? Has your workload changed?  Has it increased or reduced? Have the types of enquiries changed? Has your funding been affected or is likely to be affected in the future?  Have you taken on more staff, or …

NAWRA online presents…’What does the future of advice service delivery look like? Read more »

Craig Samuel, NAWRA’s rep for Scotland, would like to find out about your experience of supporting clients to claim PIP during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please complete the survey by 30 July. If you have any questions or additional comments please contact Craig directly at

In light of recent events in the United States, and the worldwide response led by the Black Lives Matter movement, NAWRA wishes to affirm our hatred of racism and our commitment to ensuring that NAWRA is a fully inclusive organisation. As a membership-led body, we are strongly committed to ensuring we represent all of our members.  We strongly value the diversity of our membership and we make a commitment not to tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination. However, we …

Black Lives Matter Read more »

Full details are now available for our online conference next week.  This takes place from 1pm on Thursday 11th June and concludes at 3pm on Friday 12th June. There are a range of sessions you can attend, including ‘formal’ conference sessions, a social evening and an online Yoga class!  Something for everyone! The event is only open to members – non-members can join NAWRA at Members will receive a link to book tickets via Eventbrite. Agenda for Stoke-on-Line. With …

NAWRA presents…’Stoke-on-Line’ Read more »