NAWRA online events

Our quarterly meetings are held around the country and include keynote speakers, workshops and a range of networking and professional development opportunities. Our meeting in Stoke on Trent planned for 12 June 2020 will no longer take place at Staffordshire University. However, we are pleased to announce two online events. Read more…

Notes from NAWRA conference in Leeds

NAWRA met in Leeds last week. The notes from the conference are now available in the members area. NAWRA meets quarterly at venues around the country. Check the dates and locations of future conferences. Conferences are open to members only. Find out more about joining NAWRA.

NAWRA conference in Edinburgh on 13 September 2019

We are pleased to return to the City Chambers in Edinburgh on 13 September 2019. Our guest speaker will be Shirley-Anne Somerville, Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People. We will also hear from Edinburgh Poverty Commission, Poverty Alliance and the Carnegie UK Trust. There will be participatory workshops Read more…

NAWRA conference in Greenwich on 7 June 2019

NAWRA will meet at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich on 7 June 2019. The full agenda, along with details of travel, accommodation and social evening is now available. NAWRA meetings are only open to members. Find out about joining NAWRA.