Calling all NAWRA members in Scotland – could you be a rep on the NAWRA committee? Our current rep Craig Samuel at City of Edinburgh Council is stepping down after many years service so we now have two vacancies on the Committee for Scottish reps. As a rep, the main requirement is to attend Committee meetings which are held four times a year and last up to two hours. These are held virtually and typically discuss – Communications and publicity …

Would you like to represent Scotland on the NAWRA committee? Read more »

Since our last update in April 2023, NAWRA has met with officials again to look at how the process for issuing UC50s can be improved and be made more reliable. DWP advise us that it transpires that when a claimant submits a fitnote a ‘to-do’ is autmatically created for them. Currently this to-do is not populated but they realise that this is the ideal place to put information about what a UC50 is, the WCA process, when to expect the …

Update on the issue of UC50s Read more »

NAWRA is holding a free to NAWRA members, one-day ‘Attendance Allowance: The Case Law’ training course which is designed to examine the case law which has developed surrounding the disability-related qualifying conditions for this benefit. Dates and locations The event will be held at the following venues in England in an attempt to give our members the best opportunity of attending. Manchester: Thursday 20th July 2023 at Garden Court North Chambers, 3rd Floor Blackfriars House, Parsonage, Manchester M3 2JA. Wolverhampton: …

‘Attendance Allowance: The Case Law’ training in Manchester, Wolverhampton and London Read more »

NAWRA members met in Nottingham last week. Thanks very much to Faye at the University of Law and Juan at Derbyshire Council for hosting us. Slides and notes from the conference are available in the members area of the NAWRA website. All members are welcome to attend our conferences for free. Our next conference will take place on Zoom across two half-days in September 2023.  More details soon Would you like to host a conference, give a presentation or facilitate a workshop …

Notes from NAWRA conference in Nottingham on 8 June 2023 Read more »

NAWRA members will meet in-person on Thursday 8 June 2023 at The University of Law, Nottingham Campus, Royal Standard Place, Nottingham, NG1 6FS. As always, there will be a mix of guest speakers, participatory workshops and a chance to meet fellow advisers. NAWRA conferences are open to members only. Not a member? Find out more about joining. There’s no need to book a place. Read the agenda