DWP consultation on PIP mobility component: call for evidence

The Government are consulting further on the change from 50 metres (under DLA) to 20 metres (under PIP) as the distance for an award for a higher level Mobility. The consultation can be found here and the Rightsnet story on the consultation is here. Tom Messere, NAWRA rep for south Wales,  Read more…

WCA Year 4 review – call for evidence

Dr Paul Litchfield (the replacement for Malcolm Harrington) is carrying out the year 4 review of the work capability assessment. NAWRA is co-ordinating a response and would love to hear from members about their experiences. The more responses we have the better our submission will be. You know you’ve got Read more…

NAWRA meeting in Bristol

NAWRA will meet in Bristol on 1st March 2013. The full agenda is now available here. You must be a NAWRA member to attend but there is no need to book a place.  To apply for NAWRA membership please complete the application form and return to kelly@nawra.org.uk.