The committee directs the policy and general management of the affairs of NAWRA.  It consists of representatives from each of the English regions plus two from Wales, one from Scotland, one from Northern Ireland and one nominated by CPAG.  This gives a total of 14 representatives. The representatives of the English regions and Wales must be elected every two years at our AGM.  Our meeting in Belper on 11 March 2016 acts as our AGM this year. Following a call …

NAWRA committee elections 2016 Read more »

Thanks to everybody who came along to the NAWRA meeting at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland on Friday, and to Sunderland City Council’s welfare rights team for hosting us. Prof Ted Schrecker, Professor of Global Health Policy at Durham University, delivered the Phil Hanns memorial lecture on how neoliberalist politics and economics has affected the most vulnerable in society.  Dr David Webster from Glasgow University updated us on his analysis of benefit sanction statistics.  There were popular workshops on …

Notes from Sunderland meeting Read more »

Many thanks to all those NAWRA members who contributed to the CPAG survey on reasons for food bank use. The response rate was fantastic, with more than 200 advisers filling in the survey. This formed the biggest part of a submission to Feeding Britain’s update report on behalf of twelve charities and faith groups, brought together under the banner of a working group on benefit administration. This in turn was widely cited in the report itself, a lot of whose …

Evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on hunger Read more »

Our next meeting will take place at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland on Friday 11 December 2015.  Thanks to Sunderland City Council for hosting us. Our guest speakers will be Prof Ted Schrecker, Professor of Global Health Policy at Durham University and Dr David Webster from Glasgow University. There will be workshops on using ESA safeguarding guidance, the ‘genuine prospect of work’ test for EU migrants, and Universal Credit. As always, the meeting will be an opportunity to meet …

NAWRA meeting in Sunderland Read more »