Our quarterly meetings are held around the UK and include keynote speakers, workshops and a range of networking and professional development opportunities. Here are details of the next NAWRA meeting: Date: Friday 1 June 2018 Time: 10am – 4pm (registration from 9.30am) Location: Nottingham Law School, Chaucer Building, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham NG1 5LP The meeting is kindly hosted by Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre and Advice Nottingham. Our guest speakers will be Dr Tom Vickers of Nottingham Trent University, …

NAWRA conference in Nottingham 1 June 2018 Read more »

NAWRA was invited to give evidence to the Public Accounts Committee concerning the DWP’s errors in migrating claimants over from incapacity benefit to ESA. This was due to our involvement in writing to the Secretary of State and our response to the consultation – thank you again to all members who contributed by answering our survey. Following the evidence session NAWRA was invited to comment on the DWP’s evidence.  We have submitted this response. Thanks to Daphne Hall for all …

NAWRA comments on the DWP’s evidence to the Public Accounts Committee on 21 May 2018 Read more »

NAWRA members have identified many former Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance claimants who have been migrated to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and only been awarded contributory ESA.  This is because the Department for Work and Pensions have failed to apply the regulations and their own guidance and undertake a financial assessment to check entitlement to any top up of Income Related ESA. In July 2017, we wrote to the secretary of state for work and pensions, David Gauke MP to …

Letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions about income related ESA Read more »