NAWRA has submitted evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into ‘natural migration‘ Thanks to all the NAWRA members who sent case studies about the people who lose out when they transfer to universal credit and to Daphne Hall for drafting our response. Read our submission.  

The Work and Pensions Committee is conducting an inquiry into the current state of the UK’s welfare safety net, prompted by the evidence of debt, hunger and homelessness it has heard across several recent inquiries. The inquiry, launched when the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty made an investigative visit to the UK, will consider how effectively our welfare system works to protect against hardship and chronic deprivation. NAWRA has submitted evidence and case studies on universal credit and the …

NAWRA’s submission to Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry into the Welfare Safety Net Read more »

All members are invited to attend the NAWRA conference next month.  Not a NAWRA member?  Find out about joining. Date: Friday 7 December 2018 Time: 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am) Location: Durham Town Hall, Market Place, Durham DH1 3NJ Our guest speaker will be Laura Pidcock MP, shadow minister with responsibility for employment rights, minimum and living wage legislation, trade unions, employment practices and the gig economy. We will also hear about CPAG’s Early Warning System and there will be an …

NAWRA meeting in Durham on 7 December 2018 Read more »

We’ve submitted evidence to the work and pensions committee on universal credit and deduction for debt. The submission summarisies the key issues raised by members and lists some recommendations to improve the system. Thanks to delegates at last week’s NAWRA conference in Glasgow for their contributions and to Daphne Hall for drafting the submission. Read our submission.

Our next conference will take place from 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am) on Friday 7 September 2018 at the Renfield St Stephen’s Centre, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP.  Many thanks to Glasgow City Council for hosting us. We are pleased to announce that our guest speakers will be the newly appointed Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, Shirley-Anne Somerville and the chief executive of the Social Security Agency, David Wallace. Also speaking is Dr Sharon Wright of Glasgow …

NAWRA conference in Glasgow Read more »