BENNY LYNCH 5th December 1954 – 31st March 2019 It is with much personal sadness that I write to inform friends and former colleagues of the passing of my good friend, Benny Lynch. Benny passed in his new surroundings in Sicily, surrounded by his family. People who really knew Benny will be astonished to learn that in his later years he moved from Scotland to Sicily and became an olive farmer as well as running a guest house. He also …

Benny Lynch Read more »

The House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee recently contacted NAWRA asking for case studies which demonstrate some of the inflexibilities in the current 6 month rule for claimants with a terminal illness. We compiled the evidence in a letter to the chair, Frank Field. A huge thank you to everyone who sent in case studies and evidence about terminal illness and to Daphne Hall for drafting. The Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee Frank Field has now written …

‘Special rules’ for terminal illness – our evidence to the work and pensions committee Read more »

In early February, we wrote to the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Amber Rudd.  As we have not received a reply, we have written to her again. Our original letter welcomed her to the post, summarised our main concerns about Universal Credit and made an offer to meet with her for further discussion.

All NAWRA members are welcome to attend our next meeting. Date: Friday 1 March 2019Time: 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am)Location: Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5DA Download the agenda Our keynote speaker will be Lisa Scullion, Professor of Social Policy at the University of Salford. We will also be hearing from Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett and Catherine Connors of Salford City Council. There will be participatory group workshops on right to reside and UC, mental health and …

NAWRA conference in Salford on 1 March 2019 Read more »