Craig Samuel, NAWRA’s rep for Scotland, would like to find out about your experience of supporting clients to claim PIP during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please complete the survey by 30 July. If you have any questions or additional comments please contact Craig directly at

Our quarterly meetings are held around the country and include keynote speakers, workshops and a range of networking and professional development opportunities. Our meeting in Stoke on Trent planned for 12 June 2020 will no longer take place at Staffordshire University. However, we are pleased to announce two online events. Friday 15 May 2020 a special COVID-19 NAWRA event online with two interactive workshops focusing on the current benefit changes, homeworking issues and dealing with new ways of working. Read …

NAWRA online events Read more »

Housing Systems have put together an e-learning module on coronavirus and benefits. This is freely available to everyone. The team at Housing Systems hope you find it useful and would encourage you to share it with colleagues in other roles, such as housing workers or social workers, who might find it helpful too. Read more

Our next conference will take place from 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am) on Friday 6 March 2020 at Swansea Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3SN. Our guest speakers will be Fran Bennett of Oxford University on recent research about universal credit and couples followed by Lisa Reese, a tribunal judge, on the role of representatives. There will be participatory workshops on universal credit and mixed-age couples, conditionality and public law remedies, support for disabled people under universal credit, Oxfam’s sustainable lives approach …

NAWRA conference in Swansea on 6 March 2020 Read more »

The committee directs the policy and general management of the affairs of NAWRA. It consists of representatives from each of the English regions plus two from Wales, one from Scotland, one from Northern Ireland and one nominated by CPAG. This gives a total of 14 representatives. The committee meets at least three times a year, either in person a day before a main NAWRA conference or by conference call. The representatives of the English regions and Wales must be elected …

Would you like to join the NAWRA committee? Read more »