Would you like to join the NAWRA committee?

The NAWRA committee directs the policy and general management of the affairs of NAWRA. It consists of representatives from each of the English regions plus two from London, two from Wales, two from Scotland and one from Northern Ireland.

As a rep, the main requirement is to attend Committee meetings four times a year. These are held on Zoom and typically discuss:

  •     Communications and publicity
  •     Equality and diversity
  •     Policy and campaigns
  •     Finance
  •     Plans for future conferences

You can read the minutes of previous meetings on the NAWRA website.

There are plenty of opportunities for committee members to get involved in campaigns, research, consultation responses, representing NAWRA at external events and delivering workshops.

The representatives must be elected every two years at our AGM. Our conference at Durham Town Hall on 1 March 2024 acts as our AGM this year. There are vacancies in every region except Scotland and the East Midlands, which were filled mid-term due to resignations.

If you would like to join the committee please complete the nomination form. The closing date for nominations is 8 Feb 2024. In the event of more than one nomination for each vacancy, an election will be held.

If you might be interested but want to find out a bit more, please email our Chair Alan Markey at alan@nawra.org.uk who would be happy to have a chat.