Here’s some advance notice of our next NAWRA meeting, kindly hosted by Glasgow City Council’s Welfare Rights and Money Advice Service.
Venue: Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP
Date: Friday 12th September 2014
Time: 10am-4pm (registration from 9.30am)
Our guest speaker will be Dr David Webster of Glasgow University. David is currently involved in research which introduces a historical perspective into analysis of the current JSA/ESA sanctions regime.
There will also be participatory workshops on topical issues including ‘JSA sanctions’, ‘the bedroom tax and evictions’, ‘PIP and mental health’ and ‘mobility and visual impairment’. As always, there will be plenty opportunity to meet fellow advisers and share information and ideas.
NAWRA meetings are free for members to attend and there’s no need to book a place.