Dr Paul Litchfield (the replacement for Malcolm Harrington) is carrying out the year 4 review of the work capability assessment.

NAWRA is co-ordinating a response and would love to hear from members about their experiences. The more responses we have the better our submission will be. You know you’ve got loads of gripes and groans about it all so let us hear them!

This is what Dr Litchfield says he is particularly looking for but don’t hold back if you have other issues;

This call for evidence has been designed to help me gather further information about those issues which I consider most pertinent at this time:

  •                 the overall effectiveness of the WCA as a discriminator;
  •                 the impact of earlier independent reviews;
  •                 the way that mental health conditions are considered in the WCA; and
  •                 the biopsychosocial factors that influence capability for work.

 I am looking in particular for objective data that underpins any views expressed.

 Please send your views to Eri at eri@nawra.org.uk by 9th August 2013.


Categories: ESA