NAWRA’s response to PIP Green Paper

NAWRA has submitted its response to the PIP Green Paper – Modernising support for independent living

Key points made include that –

  • NAWRA completely opposes the proposal to change PIP from being a cash-based, non-means-tested benefit – disabled people should have choice and control over their lives
  • The paper fails to acknowledge the current strain that both the NHS and social care are under – if problems here were addressed then it could help address the recent rapid increase in the number of PIP claims
  • The paper sits at odds with the Health and Disability White Paper which puts PIP as the central measure of disability for means-tested benefit Health and Disability White Paper
  • PIP is a qualifying benefit for carer’s allowance and for disabled students and the paper fails to address how this would be dealt with – any reform must be done holistically
  • The then Prime Minister’s comments that PIP needs to be reformed to make it ‘harder to exploit by those who are trying to game the system’ are unacceptable and perpetuate the negative myths about disabled people which are often put out in the media and can lead to hate crime.

NAWRA concludes –

‘NAWRA considers this Paper unfit for its purported purpose and recommends any future proposals for reform should be done in full consultation with disabled people and the organisations that represent them. It is hoped that the new government will take this on board and approach any reform in an inclusive and holistic manner.’

Read our response.

A huge thanks to Daphne Hall (rightsnet) for drafting the submission and to all those who took time to respond to the survey – it makes such a difference.